Casino Vs Sports

What a showdown! The ultimate two forms of wagering go head to head! It’s a valid situation to pose. After all, what’s better? Casino betting or sports betting, in this context, online casino betting and online sports betting? With this in minds let’s take a look at these two very different but lucrative ways to go about passing the time, seeking out excitement and standing to win.

Before We Delve Deeper

Before we tackle these two giants of the gaming world, it needs to be noted that while the outcomes remains the same, or the goal, if you will, these are two very different forms of wagering to win. While we talking about two categories of gaming, both have tentacle strands that lead off into all other kinds of ways to play to win. Put another way, both are actually layered in terms of what they offer.

Casino Betting

Online casinos and/or Denada Casinos really need no introduction. Their online revenue speaks for itself. The online casinos industry is a billion dollar one. Like their land-based counterparts, online casinos offer all manner of ways in which to play and win, segmented mainly into slots, card and table games and video poker. Quite often an online casino will include extras like bingo, scratch cards, virtual sports and keno. These are also known as speciality games.

While online casinos are limited to PC’s and laptops, Denada Casinos transcend everything thanks to smartphone technology and allow for most if not all those very games to be played pretty much anywhere.

The majority of web-based casino games are slots – the same as it is in land-based casinos. Slot machines rule the roost and the same applies to internet gambling, Classic slots, progressive slots and online video slots are the key categories and quite often a single online casino can offer hundreds of these games.

In more recent times, to stay with the times and get the edge, the online casino industry recently introduced live dealer games. The tech has been around for years but commercial success has only started happening over the last few years. If ever there was an ace in the hole, live dealer games would be just that. These games are as real as they come. All are table games like roulette, baccarat, poker and blackjack and all are manned by croupiers whose friendly and professional demeanour is a great welcome.

Sports Betting

Sports betting is over a hundred years old and is an entirely different beast. In recent times online sports betting has gained a massive footing around the world and its evolution into mobile sports betting has made the industry all the more popular and lucrative. The genesis of sports betting goes back over a hundred years to horse racing, a sport that catered to people from all walks of life. As the net of sports that could be wager upon broadened, so did the interest in sports betting.

Sports betting, online sports betting and mobile sports betting provides such a diverse package and this is also because sports itself is so diverse. For instance, if you’re into soccer and you support a specific team, you’ll likely monitor everything about the team – the players, the effect of new players on the team, the results of previous matches, the home field advantage, the effect of injured players - you will take all these things into account when placing your wagers. It makes sports betting a much more involved way to bet. This in essence makes sport betting a more involved process, but in a different way. For instance, if you tried a gaming strategy on roulette, this too would require more involvement on your behalf.

The diversity of online sports betting also makes it very appealing. Everything from boxing and mixed martial arts to rugby and motorsport is available. Most online sports betting establishments offer alternatives like politics, entertainment and even e-sports.  You can elect how you’d like to view your odds and all the odds are provided by professional sports traders. Various types of bets are possible such as parlays and in-play options. Betting on certain attributes of a live game makes it all the more exciting.

Online sports betting also gives players everything they could want from an all in one sports hub. Live streaming of games, times, schedules, upcoming matches, live updates, radio broadcasts – it all forms part of the online sports betting experience.


There you have it; two very different ways of going about achieving the same goal – monetary rewards. Both forms of wagering possess volatile and unpredictable outcomes. Both offer diversity, both offer incentivised playing and both can usually be played at one place.