Direct Bank Transfer

All top-rated Kiwi-friendly Denada Casinos offer players a wide range of banking options. Up until a few years ago, the most popular way to fund your account was by direct bank transfer. Also known as wire transfers, direct bank transfers can be used by any player with a local bank account and are accepted at just about every casino in the country.

With the arrival of web-wallet and virtual cards, however, direct bank transfers have become less popular as they tend to be time consuming and require a bit of effort. They are still a good option, though, so we’re going to tell you all about them.

Why Use Wire Transfers?

Wire transfers involve moving funds directly from your own bank account into the casino’s bank account. This is all done by your bank, provided you give them all the details of the transaction. There are a number of reasons why a player would want to use a direct bank transfer to fund their online casino account. For first time depositors, it is an easy way to guarantee that the funds will arrive in the casino’s account. Wire transfers are also used for larger deposits where web-wallets and credit cards have a capped limit.

Making a Direct Transfer Casino Payment

Making a direct bank transfer payment requires a little prep work. If you want to transfer funds into your casino account, the first step is to visit the cashier section and tap on the casino deposit tab. Here you will find a list of payment options including wire transfers. When you select wire transfers, a page will be displayed with the online casino’s banking details including their account number and swift code. You will need to print or copy this information to give to your bank.

Once you have the casino’s account information, you need to visit your local bank or contact them on the phone. In most cases, you will need to fill in a wire transfer form detailing how much you want to transfer, your account details and the casino’s banking details. The bank will then start processing the transaction. Depending on the bank itself and the casino, this can take anywhere between three to five working days to process. All you have to do is wait for the funds to appear in your casino account.

Withdrawing your Funds into Your Bank Account

A more convenient way to transfer funds into your casino account is to use internet banking. Instead of contacting your bank to do the transfer, you can simply fill in the details online and do the transaction yourself using the internet banking portal. The bank will then process the transaction within three to five working days. In most cases, wire transfers incur a transfer free that gets deducted from your bank account.

While direct bank transfers are not that popular with deposits anymore, they are still used for withdrawals on a daily basis. Cashing out using direct bank transfers is a lot easier than making a deposit. Firstly, you need to register your banking details with the casino. Then when it comes time to cashout you can simply select wire transfer as a withdrawal option and the online casino will transfer the funds into your bank account. This also incurs a small fee and can take up to five working days to process.